Why Does Love Hurt So Much? 3 Tips To Go From Hurt to Happy.

This excerpt is from Marianne Williamson’s book A Return to Love.

“Everybody thought I was weird. “It’s like you have some kind of virus,” [my brother] said. I remember thinking I was going to shoot out of my body that moment. I felt like an alien. I had often felt as though life was a private club and everybody had received the password except me. Now was one of those times. I felt other people knew a secret that I didn’t know, but I didn’t want to ask them about it because I didn’t want them to know I didn’t know. I believed other people were dying inside, too, just like me, but they couldn’t or wouldn’t talk about it. I kept thinking that there was something very important that no one was discussing. I didn’t have the words myself, but I was sure that something was fundamentally off in the world. How could everybody think that this stupid game of “making it in the world”—which I was actually embarrassed I didn’t know how to play—could be all there is to our being here?”

Does any part of this statement by Marianne resonate with you? It sure does for me.

Why does love hurt so much?

Once again, I’m sitting here at my desk looking out at the woods and thinking, “Why should I keep trying to get this information out into the world when people like the wonderful Marianne Williamson are doing it already?”

Then, once again, I think, “Really, Heidi? You’re going THERE instead of focusing on the fact that

  1. People need to hear things in different ways, from different people, from different sources because you never know what’s going to stick
  2. What I have to offer is different because it’s mine, as voiced by my authentic Self
  3. What I have to offer is different because my take on Intuitive, Empathic Logic is unlike anyone else’s?

“In other words, Heidi, stop diminishing and keep writing.”

And so I am. Writing, that is.

Marianne talks about love in her book and about how powerful it is. I agree. Yet I don’t think most people recognize just how powerful in the sense that it is the very fact of its power that puts people off.

What do I mean by this statement?

When you offer yourself to the world with an open heart, from that place of Intuitive Gut/Heart/Soul/Brain Logic, it’s like carrying around a bullhorn. Everywhere you go and everyone around you hears the bullhorn proclaim, “Love is good. I am happy to be me. My goal is to be in alignment with my higher self so I can share love and light with the world!”

If we could actually see what such a proclamation looked like, I think it would be like an explosion of light, as if zillions of fireflies were being shot from a cannon. Like the kindest, gentlest form of electricity that sparks connectedness.

Except that, even in its gentleness, it’s so powerful that it literally moves mountains within its reach…into other people’s energy fields where the feel its impact. As Williamson reminds us, the Highly Sensitive People of the world along with everyone else, “Love is the intuitive knowledge of our heart.”

I would again like to go one step further to say that it is also the intuitive logic of the mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit.

 3 Tips To Go From Hurt to Happy

  1. Use your Intuitive Logic wisely. Understand that there are those who will feel threatened by it, by the love energy coming their way. Acknowledge that they might choose to reject it—or reject us—out of discomfort or fear–and that it’s okay.
  2. Fine-tune your Intuitive Logical Self the way a piano tuner tunes the keys of a piano
  3. Get ready to work those keys! Once your instrument–your Intuitive Logical Self–is tuned to perfection, you are more than capable of composing a symphony worth its weight in gold.

Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Highly Sensitive People Course
Books by Heidi Connolly