Why don’t I fit into the world — & feel like such a misfit?
Good question, right?
It’s also one that many of us never ask, let alone admit to wishing we could say out loud.
I had a client the other day, for example, who had never considered the possibility that there are those of us who really DON’T fit in on this planet. In fact, she’d never even heard of such a concept. The idea that, as a group, we, highly sensitive individuals, often live our entire lives feeling like a blurred image next to everyone else’s stark reality. Naturally, admitting to such a feeling can feel tantamount to admitting one’s fear, desperation, depression, anxiety, etc. Admitting all the things that we generally work so hard to keep from showing.
It’s as if one slip into admittance would send us careening off the edge into an abyss from which we’d never return.
There’s the extreme where, in today’s world, telling someone you hear voices (if you’re clairvoyant, that is) could land you in some really uncomfortable places. Who’s to say if I need help, medical or psychological or spiritual, however, if I don’t ask the questions that need to be asked? If I don’t search for answers in places I’ve never looked before rather than, perhaps, the usual places—religious, medical, cultural establishments?
That’s what The Intuitive Logic Project is here for: To be that place. The place where you can be that seeker without judgment.
I do not profess to have all the answers, nor even the answers you may need. I do know, however, a lot about how the trait of sensitivity requires its very own community where we can express ourselves, receive validation, and create space for others who are also on the path of conscious awareness.
I also know that the more alone you feel, the more you feel you don’t “fit in,” the more open you need to be about it in order for the universe to hear your request for new kinds of information.
Don’t get me wrong. Looking within is the absolute best tool for transformation. It’s just that sometimes new perspectives open the door to our ability to do that looking within. If the only thing you believe about meditation is that it’s a waste of time, it’s pretty much guaranteed you don’t spend much time exploring the subject.
It’s when we reach a critical point on our path—the point of critical mass, as my husband used to say—where we’re so close to the edge of the abyss that we’ll fall in if we don’t shift direction—that our messages to the universe also shift in nature. “Please help me, I’m going to fall,” can transition into, “It’s time to look at new ways to explore what I feel, how I feel, what I know, what I believe, and what I think. It’s time to do things differently…even if I don’t yet know how.”
For the Logically Intuitive, Empathically Logical HSP, it is a process as well as a language, a way to express who we are and how we want to be.
So don’t sell yourself short. Our process, our language, our innate knowledge, and our empathetic natures are the most brilliant thing we have going for us.