Category: Changing the way you think

  • Three Best Easy Ways To Get Your Psychic Intuition Game On!!

    Three Best Easy Ways To Get Your Psychic Intuition Game On!! What are you doing right now? That’s right, right now. (Okay, besides reading this article.) You’re following your gut. Don’t believe me? It’s true. If, on some level of your being you hadn’t followed your intuitive logical sense, the one that led you from…

  • What Is The Best Way To Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks??

    Take it from someone who knows. Pain attacks suck. One minute you’re going along reading an email or driving to the market or contemplating your navel and the next you’re in full-blown freak-out mode. When extreme anxiety hits, all we want to do is stop it. To have it stop. To stop the mind-numbing, body…

  • Loving Your (Im)perfect Body Means Loving You & Your HSPness

    Highly Sensitive People, or, as I like to call them, Highly Sensitive Individuals (HSIs) because HSPs manifest so many various qualities of the HSPness factor, are trained from a very early age to believe we are flawed in some deep, unfixable way. It’s what pushes us over time to feel less and less capable. More…

  • Is There A Logical Approach to Depression —and Does It Work?

    Alane Freund, LMFT, HSP expert, says this about mental health: “There is one thing that absolutely improves mental health in a highly sensitive person — actually it makes everyone’s mental health better. THE MAGIC PILL IS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE.” I think in the past most of us either figured we needed some sort of pill to…

  • Can You Really Choose How You Feel When Things Get F—ed Up

    If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written, one of my books or articles, or taken one of my courses or classes, you know that I speak from my heart and my personal experience. I use examples from my own life so you know that I know what it looks like to wake up every day…