Category: Overwhelm

  • Loving Your (Im)perfect Body Means Loving You & Your HSPness

    Highly Sensitive People, or, as I like to call them, Highly Sensitive Individuals (HSIs) because HSPs manifest so many various qualities of the HSPness factor, are trained from a very early age to believe we are flawed in some deep, unfixable way. It’s what pushes us over time to feel less and less capable. More…

  • Is There A Logical Approach to Depression —and Does It Work?

    Alane Freund, LMFT, HSP expert, says this about mental health: “There is one thing that absolutely improves mental health in a highly sensitive person — actually it makes everyone’s mental health better. THE MAGIC PILL IS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE.” I think in the past most of us either figured we needed some sort of pill to…

  • How Can I Develop My Intuition (How Do I Know It’s Working?)

    How Can I Develop My Intuition (How Do I Know It’s Working?)

    If you’ve read any of my other articles or books, you probably know by now that I’m a pretty staunch believer that intuition trumps logic, at least as most people perceive logic. Just look at it logically 🙂 How could anything someone else is telling you make more logical sense for you than your own…