If you’ve read any of my other articles or books, you probably know by now that I’m a pretty staunch believer that intuition trumps logic, at least as most people perceive logic. Just look at it logically 🙂
How could anything someone else is telling you make more logical sense for you than your own innate knowing—if your innate knowing, your Intuitive Guidance System—is turned on?
When you finally let go of the idea that other people’s facts and figures are right and yours are wrong simply because they attribute those ideas to what they call “logic,” you can begin your exploration of a deeper system of logic: Your Intuitive Logic.
How Can I Develop My Intuition (How Do I Know It’s Working?)
Don’t get me wrong. There will always be facts and there will always be figures. Even I accept that 2 + 2 = 4 (at least in this dimension!). And yet, in a world where facts and figures are spun like cotton candy to the spinner’s own agenda, how can we trust anything?
The only thing I have found I can trust is how I feel. And, no, I’m not talking about my emotions. Because, while emotions are helpful and can lead you into greater awareness of what’s going on for you energetically, they really only provide an indication of where you are on the alignment scale.
Happy? High frequency. Depressed? Low frequency.
The problem is when we get stuck in describing and labeling where we are emotionally. If we don’t take that next step to explore the energy behind the emotion, it’s all too easy to run around in circles. I have found that all the psychological digging in the world, as interesting as it was, only kept me believing that my emotions were valid because of the experiences I’d had and was having at the time.
Sure, valuing our emotional reactions to life does have some intrinsic value—again, because it provides clarity on how we’ve gotten where we are. For all the talk about “being in the present” and “being in the now,” perspective can be extremely helpful. With that said, the only thing that really matters is what we bring to the present moment…and the next one…and the next one.
Instead of telling myself to be in the present these days, I go about my days asking myself if I’m in alignment.
- Have I spaced out thinking about what someone else is thinking about me?
- Am I feeling pressured by someone’s opinion or advice on what I should do or how I should behave or the next action I should take?
- Am I obsessively researching a subject to “make up my mind” on how to proceed on a project?
If—when—I become conscious that I am experiencing any of these states of being, which, as a Highly Sensitive Individual, happens periodically when my psychic octopus starts trolling about the waters of the world’s energy, I say to myself, “Wow. Look at that. A minute ago I was in alignment. Now I’m not. Now I’m feeling all the feels of other stuff. Stuff I don’t want and don’t need to understand.
My only goal is…to get back into alignment.
That’s it. It’s that simple.
Life well lived means life in alignment.
It’s the place where decision making is easier. Where the steps you take are clearer. Where there is less fear, anxiety, trauma, and overall overwhelm.
It’s the place where your Intuitive Logic rules the day and you like it that way.